Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Where do I Shop?

I always get asked this question and I can never answer the question the way it is intended..so here they are and the reasons I love them :)

1. Forever 21
Cheap, & Trendy

2. H&M
Fashion Forward designs, Reasonable Prices

3. Asos.com
UK based store with AMAZING clearance prices

4. Old Navy
JEANS! JEANS! JEANS! They always have those great sales!

5. Thrift Stores
I go here for speciality pieces, things to add to my wardrobe, such as jewelry, a vintage blouse, shoes, etc.
In the Charlotte Area, try Goodwill, Value Village, and The Sleepy Poet....

1 comment:

Zabeth said...

You know me. I love Value Village, Good will, and Sleepy Poet! But I actually never heard of Asos.com! It's a great website and they have a great selection. I'll be sure to share with my readers.